With Fire and Sword [Ogniem i mieczem] by Henryk Sienkiewicz as a prefiguration of Slavic fantasy





With Fire and Sword has many features of fantasy novels and it is a prefigured modern Slavic fantasy. Sienkiewicz, using Old Polish, epic and romantic styling, rejects all forms of modernity. The author creates a dualistic vision of the world presented with a clear division into good (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth [Rzeczpospolita]) and evil (Ukraine). The space is enriched with elements of folklore with numerous references to Slavic myths, stories and legends about vampires and ghosts. Ghosts appearing in the novel make the boundary between the real world and the magical fairy-tale blurred. Sienkiewicz creates a team of knights who embark on a mission (quest motif ), to restore balance to the world. The members of the team are characterized by different skills, each of which is assigned a different attribute. Their journey have both private (Helena’s rescue) and patriotic (a fight with Cossacks) dimensions. The author introduces the magical objects (such as a ring, Longinus’ sword, a holy ball), which the characters use in the fight against the enemy. An important role in the novel plays nature, which is spiritual in a romantic way.

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Dariusz Piechota, University of Białystok

Doctor of Humanities. His research interests include literature of the second half of the 19th century, ecocriticism, contemporary popular culture, gender studies and animal studies. Author of numerous publications in collective books and magazines (including "Maska", "Czas Kultury", "Fragile", "Nasza Rota").



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How to Cite

Piechota, D. “With Fire and Sword [Ogniem I Mieczem] by Henryk Sienkiewicz As a Prefiguration of Slavic Fantasy”. Filologia Polska. Roczniki Naukowe Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, vol. 3, Dec. 2017, pp. 287-00, doi:10.34768/fp2017a14.

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