Journalism disguised as literature



  • Jan Musiał East European State Higher School in Przemyśl
    Jan Musiał



The author analyses prose works of contemporary – from the beginning of this century – Polish columnists (Andrzej Horubała, Cezary Michalski, Grzegorz Miecugow, Bronisław Wildstein, and Rafał Ziemkiewicz). He wonders whether their works are reflecting the authors’ beliefs, inhibitions, or only their journalistic techniques. The author refers to the example of Ansgar Nünning, who analyses the tasks of literary studies, as confronted with the phenomenon of shaping world views by prose literary genres, and the other way round – the influence that literary “ways of world making” has on non-literary reality. This leads him to earlier research intuitive faculties of Roman Ingarden (intuitiveness of literature), or Paulo Ricoeur (“circle of mimesis”) and consequently to the differences between literature and journalism, which are becoming more and more visible nowadays. The author notes, again referring to Nünning, “reintegration discourse” of this kind of literature and its cultural context, leaving the evaluation of this phenomenon to the future researchers.

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Jan Musiał, East European State Higher School in Przemyśl

Ph.D., literary scholar, author of the following publications: "Marchołt" 1934-1939. Anthology (Krakow 2002), Value and Valuation in Stefan Kołaczkowski's Works on Literature (Przemyśl 2006), Axiology of the Arch-Literary (Lviv 2014), lecturer at the Institute of Humanities of the East European State Higher School in Przemyśl.



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How to Cite

Musiał, J. “Journalism Disguised As Literature”. Filologia Polska. Roczniki Naukowe Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, vol. 3, Dec. 2017, pp. 153-68, doi:10.34768/fp2017a7.

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