The riddle of Escape
This sketch has failed to solve the puzzle of Escape [Ucieczka]. Three basic interrelated questions about the time and place of the work’s origin and its message effectively defend themselves against a clear and convincing answer. One cannot exclude the probability of any of the presented hypotheses as to the time and place of the work’s origin. What was Mickiewicz’s purpose while writing and publishing this ballad still remains the mystery the poet took to his grave. The attempts to categorize Escape as an experiment (as Kleiner wants) or a poetry workshop exercise (Maria Żmigrodzka) are rather a testimony of surrender to the text, which – referring indirectly to Bürger’s original – is nothing but a Polish version of Lenora, like Świetlana by Żukowski is its Russian version. However, being taken out of the volume Ballady i romanse of 1822 it gives the impression of an oddly isolated work.
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