Słoworody – the key to the history of Slavs in Mickiewicz Paris lectures
Mickiewicz’s interests in Slavic languages, their roots, evolution, and the etymology of words are related to the romantics’ programmatic tendency to reconstruct the tradition and define the identity of nations basing on the spiritual or material traces of their historical activities. The poet was inspired by works of linguists and the so-called philosophers of the language, who drew far-reaching conclusions from coincidental formal similarities between words. Merging and developing various, often farfetched, etymological concepts, Mickiewicz created a specific poetical idea of Slavdom. Its fundament was a language-derived myth of the folk, which is on the one hand conquered, abused, enslaved, and yet full of spirit and joyful (sclavi saltantes). On the other hand the folk is marked by the “word” (mother tongue) with splendor of dignity, historic awareness. The folk is also predestined to fulfill a religious-civilizational mission whose plan and goal are revealed through the Word of God. The poet perceives the language as the key to encrypt the history of Slavs hidden there. History, meanwhile, has a double meaning: it is both a legend set in an unspecified past and a prophetic prediction of what is about to happen in the future.
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