The interpretative framework of the senses in the early and late novels by Jerzy Pilch
The article is devoted to the conceptualization of the senses by Jerzy Pilch included in the interpretation framework of each of them. Thanks to the research, one can see how the hierarchy of the author’s perceptions is presented and which ranges dominate in them. The material comes from Jerzy Pilch’s two early novels Spis cudzołożnic [List of adulteers] (1993) and Inne rozkosze [Other pleasures] (1995) and the last two Zuza albo czas oddalenia [Zuza or the time of distance] (2015) and Portret młodej wenecjanki [Portrait of a young Venetian woman] (2017). On this basis, we can see a crosssectional image emerging from all material. It is also possible to capture the differences between the older and newer parts of the artist’s output.
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