Transformation of a sport antihero on screen





This article strives to follow through the transformation of sports antiheroes on screen. The material selected for analysis consists of three titles exploring and challenging a sports antihero (or antiheroine) given social and cultural circumstances, common stereotypes about their respective disciplines, gender expectations and the portrayal of athletic failure: a canonic biopic Raging Bull (1980) telling a story of a troubled boxer Jake La Motta, Daren Aronofsky’s story of a distorted and decayed image of masculinity, The Wrestler, and a recent hit Netflix show Queen’s Gambit on a genius chess player Elizabeth Harmon. I argue that the persona of a sports antihero on screen undergoes a thorough change; from flawed and brutal La Motta to troubled, yet intriguing and inspiring, Harmon.

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Paulina Korzeniewska, Institute of Neophilology, University of Zielona Góra

Dr., employee of the Institute of Neophilology at the University of Zielona Góra. Her research interests revolve around the portrayal of sports in literature and film, American poetry of the 20th century, and biography studies.


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How to Cite

Korzeniewska, P. “Transformation of a Sport Antihero on Screen”. Filologia Polska. Roczniki Naukowe Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, vol. 10, Dec. 2024, pp. 335-43, doi:10.61827/fp2024a13.

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  • Abstract