How much is the writer in his books? Based on the example of a selection from the works by Jan Józef Szczepański





How much is the author in his text, painting or sculpture? It would seem that such a question should not be asked, because here it is the work itself that counts. The author could be completely ignored or only mentioned; a short biographical note did not really bring anything relevant in the context of the discussed piece of his work. However, for me, the figure behind the signature on a book or under a photograph always mattered. A special case in this situation is the Krakow-based writer Jan Józef Szczepański. A few years ago, an expert and researcher of Conrad, but also of the author of Polish Autumn [Polska jesień], proposed an autobiographical reading of Szczepański’s work. The four keys to help in reading, understanding and interpreting the widely understood work are as follows: generational, biographical, experience of life under totalitarian systems and Joseph Conrad­‑Korzeniowski. As a whole, they relate to the extremely colorful biography of the author of Icarus [Ikar]. However, they present a kind of reading, research challenge, and new light has been shed on Zabierowski’s proposal by Szczepański’s Diaries [Dziennik], published since 2011.

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Agnieszka Niewdana, University of Silesia in Katowice

Born in '91, PhD in humanities, member of the literary culture team at the Institute of Cultural Studies at the University of Silesia, scholarship holder of the Minister of Culture. Journalist, author of many publications devoted to Jan Józef Szczepański, literary reviewer and author of interviews. She has collaborated with many cultural institutions. She is interested in the Polish publishing and press market as well as non-fiction literature and jazz. She lives in Cięcina in the Żywiec Beskids.


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How to Cite

Niewdana, A. “How Much Is the Writer in His Books? Based on the Example of a Selection from the Works by Jan Józef Szczepański”. Filologia Polska. Roczniki Naukowe Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, vol. 10, Dec. 2024, pp. 261-74, doi:10.61827/fp2024a8.

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