Early Karol Wojtyla’s biography in Russian and Russian-speaking press





The authors intend to show how the biographical elements of Karol Wojtyla are presented in Russian and Russian-speaking magazines. They analysed the occasional newspaper articles available on the internet about the future Pope’s youth. The authors highlighted the following topics: family background, the course of the education, people and situations during the occupation that led him in the decision of choosing his future way of life. Based on studied texts the authors extrapolate that the choice of biographic information depends on the outline of the periodic. Moreover, in many texts can be seen lack of objectivity and lack of journalist’s diligence as well as the presence of misrepresentation of the young Wojtyla portrayal. In addition to their illocutionary function, the materials studied also have a perlocutionary function, conveying an ideology that belittles the role of the Catholic religion in the world.

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Joanna Gorzelana, Department of Linguistics, University of Zielona Góra

Dr. Hab., works at the Department of Linguistics, Institute of Polish Philology, University of Zielona Góra. In her scientific work, she focuses on stylistic research of the Enlightenment period (religious poetry, journalism). Author of the monographs Linguistic and Stylistic Properties of Religious Poetry by Franciszek Karpiński (2006) and Stylistic and Linguistic Peculiarities of Religious Poetry of the Enlightenment Period (2016). She also deals with the functioning of biblicalisms in various Polish texts (including translated ones) and issues of linguistic etiquette. She is also interested in the culture of Czadecki Highlanders from Bukovina (Z. Seul, Gwarili na Bukowinie: fairy tales, legends and true stories, edited by Joanna Gorzelana, Żagań 2012). E-mail: J.Gorzelana@ifp.uz.zgora.pl.

Anastazja Seul, Department of Literary Studies, University of Zielona Góra

Dr. hab., prof. UZ, employee of the Institute of Polish Philology; graduated in Polish Philology in Zielona Góra, theology in Poznań and Warsaw, and art therapy in Wrocław. Since 1993 she has been working as an academic teacher in Zielona Góra. She deals with the axiological analysis of literary works, the search for the sacred in literature, and the encounter of literature with theology. Author of articles on anthropological, cultural, patriotic, and literary aspects of John Paul II's statements. She also undertakes analyses of issues related to bibliotherapy and personal development. She published her doctorate in literary studies (UAM, 2000) entitled Biblia w marzeń Romana Brandstaettera (Zielona Góra 2004); her doctorate in theology (UAM, 2004) entitled Jan Chrzciciel – Brat Pustynny według Romana Brandstaettera (Lublin 2004); habilitation in literary studies (KUL 2015) based on the book Sacrum. Dobro. Prawda. Piękno. Literatura polska w odpowiedzialnech Jana Pawła II (Poznań 2014). She has also published W świecu tajemnic światła Romana Brandstaettera (In the Glory of the Secrets of Light) (Poznań 2014). She has edited (and co-edited) collective works in the series: "Scripta Humana", "Prace Aksjologiczne". She is a reviewer of texts published in, among others, "Ethos", "Roczniki Teologiczne".


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How to Cite

Gorzelana, J., and A. Seul. “Early Karol Wojtyla’s Biography in Russian and Russian-Speaking Press”. Filologia Polska. Roczniki Naukowe Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, vol. 10, Dec. 2024, pp. 189-22, doi:10.61827/fp2024a5.

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