The castle as a metaphor. A journey through literature





The article addresses the notion of three categories of metaphors generated by the image of a castle in the selected works of the 19th-century literature of France, Belgium and Poland. The paper discusses the castle of soul (Nerval, Maeterlinck, Miciński), the castle of tyranny (Hugo, Custine) and the castle of glory (Mickiewicz, Goszczyński).

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Wiesław Mateusz Malinowski, University of Zielona Góra

Prof. Ph.D., Romanesque teacher (Laboratory of Roman Studies, University of Zielona Góra). Scientific interests: French literature of the 19th century (historical novel, symbolism novel); French-Polish historical and literary connections, Poland and Poles in French literature. Author of six books and approximately 70 scientific articles. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Malinowski, W. M. “The Castle As a Metaphor. A Journey through Literature”. Filologia Polska. Roczniki Naukowe Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, vol. 9, Dec. 2023, pp. 191-10, doi:10.34768/fp2023a10.

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