To language through literature, to literature through language – about the correlated method in teaching heritage language learners





The heritage language and the mother tongue as school subjects are not the same. Therefore, they require a different approach; namely, in the case of teaching the heritage language, it is necessary to focus more on the language itself than on the historical and literary education of pupils. In the paper, we recommend to teachers Polish as a heritage language the correlated method based on teaching language through literature and literature through language. In this method, learners thoroughly develop their skills and competencies using an integrated approach. Moreover, they have multiple and varied contacts with the literary and educational variety of Polish.

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Ewa Lipińska, Jagiellonian University in Kraków

Ph.D. humanities in the field of linguistics, professor at the Institute of Polish Glottodidactics at Jagiellonian University. Her research interests include the Polish diaspora (including the adaptation processes of emigrants and immigrants, issues related to ethnic identification, bilingualism, and Polish education), and the teaching of Polish as a foreign and inherited language, in particular teaching writing. She devoted many articles and monographs to these matters, e.g., Mother tongue, foreign language, second language (2003), Polishness in Australia (2013), and (as co-author) ABC methodology of teaching Polish as a foreign language (2005), Between mother tongue and foreign language (2012), and Integrating linguistic competences in glottodidactics (2013). She is also the author of numerous textbooks for teaching Polish as a foreign language.

Anna Seretny, Jagiellonian University in Kraków

Ph.D. humanities in the field of linguistics, professor at the Institute of Polish Glottodidactics at Jagiellonian University. Author of the monograph: Lexical competence of learners of Polish as a foreign language in the light of quantitative research (2011), Vocabulary in Language Teaching The world of words on the example of Polish as a foreign language (2015), textbooks, and numerous articles in the field of Polish language glottodidactics In her research, she deals with the lexical competence of Polish language learners as well as the didactics of the inherited language. Her recent interests focus on educational Polish, the specificity of this language variety, and its properties.


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How to Cite

Lipińska, E., and A. Seretny. “To Language through Literature, to Literature through Language – about the Correlated Method in Teaching Heritage Language Learners”. Filologia Polska. Roczniki Naukowe Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, vol. 8, Dec. 2022, pp. 19-36, doi:10.34768/fp2022a1.

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