On a contemporary poet’s output from the Baroque perspective





Stanisław Gostkowski, a contemporary poet, author of seven volumes, died in 2000. He did not belong to the New Wave and New Privacy. His literary patron was Tymoteusz Karpowicz. I am writing about the first volume, Don’t bury me alive, and the fourth one, titled Death has a sweet smell. Gostkowski wrote about death, nevertheless just for life. He often emphasises vanitas in his poetry. Here is an interpretation of his output from the Baroque perspective.

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Tadeusz Linkner, University of Gdańsk

Born on January 29, 1949 in Chojnice, professor of humanities, works at the Institute of Polish Philology of the University of Gdańsk (doctoral degree 1982, habilitation 1993, full professor 2004, full professor 2007). Deals with the history of literature of Young Poland, Slavic mythology in literature, regional literature of Kashubia and Kociewie, editing, and literary criticism. He is the author, editor, editor and co-editor of nearly fifty books, including fifteen authorial ones, such as Slavic Mythology in the Literature of Young Poland (1991), Słowiańskie bogi i demony, From Bronisław's manuscript Trentowski (1998, 2007, 2018), Before it ended with a masquerade, From studies on the work of Tadeusz Miciński (2003), Publicism of Stanisław Przybyszewski in Wolny City of Gdańsk (2015), (For) getting to know Żeromski (2017).


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How to Cite

Linkner, T. “On a Contemporary poet’s Output from the Baroque Perspective”. Filologia Polska. Roczniki Naukowe Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, vol. 7, Dec. 2021, pp. 219-33, doi:10.34768/fp2021a12.

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