Ecology as a value – linguistic means of expressing values in selected articles in Victor Junior journal





Ecology is an important element of modern human life, and shaping pro-ecological attitudes should start from an early age. Such an initiative comes from, among others, Viktor Junior magazine (addressed to children aged 10-12), which devotes a lot of space to the issues of nature, environmental protection, etc. The author of the article analyses selected articles (from 2020) on broadly understood nature. She shows the linguistic means by which a positive evaluation of pro-ecological attitudes and the natural environment is made. The research has shown how to pass ecological values to the young generation in a simple and non-intrusive way devoid of pathos.

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Beata Grochala, University of Łódź

Habilitated doctor in linguistics, university professor. Author of two monographs and over eighty articles on contemporary Polish, especially its media variety. Main research trends: Polish language glottodidactics, medialinguistics, sports discourse.


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How to Cite

Grochala, B. “Ecology As a Value – Linguistic Means of Expressing Values in Selected Articles in Victor Junior Journal”. Filologia Polska. Roczniki Naukowe Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, vol. 7, Dec. 2021, pp. 143-51, doi:10.34768/fp2021a7.

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